About ASPS
Associated organisations and partners.
Sub Specialities
ASAPS as the core specialty body representing Specialist Plastic Surgeons in Australia works closely with its subspecialty organisations. The Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) is one of these organisations and its role is to provide continuing professional education and training in cosmetic procedures for plastic surgeons. View website.
ANZBA is a not for profit organisation and the peak body for health professionals and experts responsible for the care of the burn injured in Australia and New Zealand. View website.
The goal of the ANZSCMFS is to furnish leadership and foster advances in craniomaxillofacial surgery, oversee training in maxillofacial surgery, provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the practice of craniomaxillofacial surgery and to stimulate research, investigation and teaching in the methods of treating congenital and acquired craniofacial deformities. View website.
The Australian Hand Surgery Society promotes the pursuit of excellence in hand surgery by, conducting scientific meetings, promoting fellowship, liaising with national and international surgical bodies and undertaking hand surgery teaching. View website.
Associated Organisations
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the largest plastic surgery specialty organisation in the world. The Society’s mission is to advance quality care to plastic surgery patients by encouraging high standards of training, ethics, physician practice and research in plastic surgery. Visit website.
We are a not-for-profit organisation, a registered charity promoting excellence, safety and leadership in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Our focus on clinical excellence and the best possible care for patients, underpins our mission to tackle community-wide health issues.
We rely on the latest evidence to inform our work.
We are proud of our leadership in advancing plastic and reconstructive surgery education, research and innovation. Visit website.
The NZAPS is the professional association for almost all plastic surgeons in New Zealand. Visit website.
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons strives to ensure the highest standard of safe and comprehensive surgical care to the community through excellence in surgical education, training, professional development and support. Visit website.
Industry Partners
Avant is a member-owned organisation committed to supporting doctors in their professional and personal lives. Visit website.
The Better Health Channel website was founded in 1999 by the Victorian Department of Human Services as a consumer health information website for the Victorian community. The site’s aim has always been to provide free health and medical information in an easy to understand format and language. It has over 1,770 facts sheets and provides quality assured health and medical information. Visit website.
We are a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice. View website.
Charity Partner
Interplast provides life-changing surgery to patients and clinical training to staff in the Pacific and Asia. Visit website.
International Collaboration
The Australian Breast Device Registry design conforms to international best practice for clinical quality registries. It has become the template for several other collaborating countries through the International Collaboration of Breast Registry Activities (ICOBRATM).
ICOBRATM was developed to establish an internationally agreed and comparable minimum data set, made up of standardised and epidemiologically sound data that reflect global best practice. Contributing countries and organisations consist of national plastic and reconstructive surgery societies, national health services and national health regulatory agencies. At the heart of the ICOBRATM concept is the core ethic and commitment to improving patient outcomes. Visit website.
ICOPLAST was formed during the XXI Ibero-Latin American Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Punta del Este, Uruguay in March 2016. Formally launched by sixty-two founding societies representing over 25,000 aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeons, ICOPLAST does not belong to any continent, region or country but supports plastic surgeons worldwide. Visit website.
Featured Stories

ASPS say proposed changes to registration practices of SIMGs will put patients at risk
President of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr David…
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