Types of Conventional Hemorrhoids Treatment

There are many types of hemorrhoids treatment available, from topical ointments for minor cases to surgical procedures for those that are more severe.

For some people, medical treatment is not necessary and the hemorrhoids go away on their own with time. Some people have luck with basic treatments such as warm sitz baths, using a bidet, cold compresses or topical analgesics to provide temporary relief.

Topical hemorrhoid cream which contains steroids can provide relief in the early stages of hemorrhoid flare ups. In some cases, these creams can be effective as a means to prevent further occurrence. However, topical steroids can bring about negative side effects with consistent use, such as weakening the skin which can in turn cause further hemorrhoid flare ups.


Looking for a safe, effective treatment for hemorrhoids? Check out our
Best Hemorrhoid Treatments section.

For more moderate cases, which are the most common, hemorrhoids treatment can be accomplished with various natural applications that can eliminate the problem and also prevent reoccurence. We discuss some of the most popular products on our Best Hemorrhoid Treatments page.

For chronic and more severe hemorrhoids, the following medical treatments are commonly administered according to the varying degrees of severity. These treatments listed here are in increasing order of intrusiveness and cost.

1. Rubber band ligation

This is sometimes called baron ligation. Elastic bands are applied to the internal hemorrhoids to cut off their blood supply. The withered hemorrhoid is then eliminated during a regular bowel movement.

2. Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

This is a treatment that employs a small probe to the hemorrhoid using manual pressure and electrolysis that results in progressive and permanent shrinkage of the hemorrhoid. Usually only one hemorrhoid is treated at a time. So if you have more than one hemorrhoid, it will take several visits to complete the treatment.

3. Injection therapy or Sclerotherapy

This hemorrhoids treatment involves injecting a hardening agent or sclerosant into the hemorrhoids and causes the veins to collapse. As a result hemorrhoids will shrivel up.

4. Cryosurgery

This involves using the frozen tip of a cryoprobe to destroy the hemorrhoid tissues. This treatment is rarely used now as it brings about harmful side effects.

5. Laser, InfraRed or BICAP coagulation

Uses a laser or infrared beam to treat hemorrhoids. Although less popular now, it is readily available as a non-surgical procedure in the US.

6. Hemorrhoidectomy

This the the commonly known surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids. The post surgery pain is reported by patients as severe. It also takes a long time to recover. For this reason, this surgery is only recommended to those with very serious hemorrhoids.

7. Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy

This procedure is usually used for prolapsed and bleeding hemorrhoids. This method cuts off the blood flow to the hemorrhoids instead of completely remove them. So this procedure is less painful and there is a faster recovery time.

8. Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation

This method is recommended for treating severe bleeding hemorrhoids as it can effectively stop the bleeding. This procedure does not involve cutting any hemorrhoid tissues. Patients do not need to stay in the hospital and usually can get back to work within the same day.


Recto Anal Repair, or RAR is a new procedure which treats hemorrhoids without cutting any tissues.

Again, the above treatments are only for very severe cases of hemorrohoid development. Most people can remedy their problem with natural hemorrhoid treatments such as those reviewed on this site.